
by Galledia Regionalmedien AG

News & Magazines


The "rheintaler.ch" app informs you about everything thats happening in the Rhine Valley - even when youre on the go.We introduce interesting people, prepare news for you and report on relevant events in the region in which we live. In words, pictures and videos.The app and many items are available for free. The subscribers to the "Rheintaler" and the "Rheintalische Volkszeitung" have free access to all the content of this application.The online subscription, with which you can read all the articles in the app and on our online platform www.rheintaler.ch, costs 12 francs a month or 144 francs for an annual subscription. All editorial research and portraits, our picture galleries, videos and the mourning portal are also included.We offer you:- the latest from the Rhine Valley and the Appenzeller Vorderland- quick access to your municipality- the «Life» section, which focuses on young people- detailed regional sports coverage- our mourning portal- Videos and image galleriesMore information: www.rheintaler.ch; Telephone 071 747 22 88; Email [email protected]